Hi Folks, we are happy to announce a series of challenges regarding the #Hacktivity2019 Electronic Badge!

We would like to announce a new monthly challenge from now on until the next Hacktivity conference. We are looking forward to the most imaginative, interesting, and useful applications and developments for the #Hacktivity2019 Badge.

How to submit?
Submit your application/development to [email protected] until 31.12.2019.

What to include?
– A technical description of what you did and how you did it
– The usefulness of your development/app
– Pictures, illustrations
badge.hacktivity.com link to the application you submit

You can use parts (sensors, switches, additional components), but their combined value should not exceed $20. This should guarantee that if someone else likes your idea, he/she can make it.

BSidesBUD2020 conference ticket + T-shirt

Announcement of First Round winners: 15.01.2020

Don’t be shy, share your stuff with us!

The Hacktivity Team